Showing 30 Result(s)

About Me

Hi, I am Loni Freeman and I would like to my Hibiscusly Yours Nutrition. As a Registered Dietitian with experience in the Culinary and Hospitality sector for >10 years, I wanted to create a space to share all things Food and Nutrition, Wellness and my passions that include traveling, baking and candle making. My journey to educate and promote wellness is personal to me after losing my Mom to a major chronic illness. I committed myself to obtaining a Masters’ Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from Florida International University and apply that knowledge in the Clinical setting as a Registered …


“Food Freedom” Holiday Guide 2020

Loni Freeman, RDN Owner, Hibiscusly Yours Nutrition Hi, I am Loni Freeman, Registered Dietitian and owner of Hibiscusly Yours Nutrition LLC. I have more than ten years of experience in the Foodservice & Hospitality industry and currently I work as a Clinical Dietitian in an acute hospital setting. My passion for community service and great food led me to start my very own business where I provide individualized nutrition counseling for women on their wellness journey. For far too long, our society has been taught to ride or embrace the latest fad diet wave, omit food groups and feel ashamed …

About Me